"You say that as if you've already gone through his diaries, letters, and notebooks twice."To which he replied:
"I have no intention of going through all his diaries and letters, I'm not a Kafka addict, like SOME people I know."Which is a shame, but also touches on a rather common misconception that all of Kafka's short fiction is to be found in a volume like The Complete Stories
For example, Kafka's earliest surviving work of fiction, "Shamefaced Lanky and Impure in Heart," is not included in any collection of his stories that I've come across, and only survived because Kafka incorporated it into a 1902 letter to Oskar Pollak (included in Letters to Friends, Family, and Editors
And since there's nothing I'd like better than to be sued by the greedy heirs of Max Brod and/or Oskar Pollak, here is the complete story for your enjoyment (click on the text for a better view):
Thanks for putting this story on your website. I enjoyed reading it very much.